General Details in safety lock of suspended scaffolds/suspended platform

safety lock

LSF type

Security lock is an independent mechanical device.When working wire rope breakage or suspended platform tilting to the limited values or fast falling, the safety lock will automatically lock the safety wire rope.

Its working principle is just  like below:

While you working,the working wire rope is tightly against the roller of swing arm,which making rope clamp opened, so safety rope can smoothly pass.

And while suspended platform is tilted to the limited values or working wire rope is breaked, the pressure on the working rope against the arm of safety will be weakened or disappeared .

Then with the action of torsion spring and the friction between the rope clamp and safety wire rope,the rope clamp of safety lock will rapidly close and lock which stopping the suspended platform continuously tilting or falling.Then the operator will be safe.

LSF type

When the working wire rope breaking or malfunction due to others is making the working platform rapid declining, the safety lock will automatically lock the safety rope. When the gondola platform is stopped, the safety lock can be manually locked rope.